The Book


I Eat Poop

How To Telepathically Communicate With Animals Of All Species

And Validate Communications 



About The Book


Like verbal speech and sign language, telepathic communication is just another form of communicating.


Telepathic communication is not a gift that only a few can become proficient at. Like any skill, some come about telepathic communication naturally and others have to practice.


I Eat Poop describes a simple, to the point and profound method of telepathic animal communication. Men, women and teenagers can easily put into practice this method and validate their results.


The chronological order in which I Eat Poop was written takes the reader through the learning process of telepathic animal communication as the author experienced each step.


I Eat Poop is factual, written in the order that each event happened, in the animal’s own words with the exact narrative in some of the stories. The actual communications and events in this book provide the reader with a practical working knowledge of what to expect, how the author knew she was telepathically communicating with animals and how validations come about.


I Eat Poop contains an easy to follow, step-by-step section to help put this skill to work for anyone interested in learning telepathic animal communication. The method described in I Eat Poop can help the reader shorten the learning process because they have the means to validate communications.


Telepathic animal communication has been used to help pets that are sick or lost and to have an intellectual conversation with animals, in other languages and of differing species.  Some communications have helped people to improve their relationship with their pets, while other communications have answered questions for people that only their pet can answer.


About the Author


When Donna heard on a late night talk radio show that anybody could talk to animals, she made it her mission to learn to telepathically communicate with animals. She tried various animal communication methods she had read about but nothing appeared to work. Through trial and error, Donna developed her own method to accomplish telepathic animal communication and proved that her method worked by validating her communications with animals.


After achieving repeatable results and validated proof that she was telepathically communicating with animals, Donna was offered her own call-in radio show where she telepathically communicated with caller’s animals during the show. During the time she had her radio show, she would hear what a “gift” it was to be able to talk to animals. Donna decided to write a book, I Eat Poop, to let others know that anyone could telepathically communicate with animals. Equally important to her was to improve the human/animal condition, tell the animal’s stories in their own words, and teach others her method to achieve telepathic animal communication and validate those communications.


Donna wanted others to know that she is an average (middle of the bell curve) person that wanted to learn telepathic animal communication and made it happen. After learning telepathic animal communication, she wanted a radio show and had been investigating options such as, contacting radio stations for a weekend show and on-line radio options. When an opportunity presented it’s self, she took it.


When she finished writing her book, she contacted publishers and researched self-publishing options. After picking the self-publish option, Donna learned how to do use the programs to do her own cover artwork and images, page layouts and converting her work to the ebook format and submitting both it to end up with a print and ebook for sale.

None of it was easy, but it was something she wanted to do and stuck with it until she accomplished each task.


In addition to Donna’s continued involvement with animal communication, she is an accomplished quality and business consultant, gem cutter, silversmith, prospector and has maintained two related businesses in these fields for more than 25 years.


Emails from readers of I EAT POOP



How to order I Eat Poop

 I Eat Poop: How To Telepathically Communicate With Animals Of All Species

And Validate Communications


  Paperback - Signed by Donna BP

USA and International Sales


Contact Donna BP

 I Eat Poop: How To Telepathically Communicate With Animals Of All Species

And Validate Communications


Paperback & Kindle Edition from Amazon - USA Sales only








Longmont Library Festival April 20, 2013




To celebrate National Library Week, the Longmont Public Library presented the

"You Belong: Longmont Library Festival 2013" to showcase local authors.


As like last year, events included author presentations, book talks,

writing and art workshops and book signings.


100% of the Sale Price of my book, I Eat Poop,

was donated to the Colorado Horse Rescue.


Thank you to all that got a book and those that donated cash to the

 Colorado Horse Rescue!



Left Hand Valley Courier - Niwot, CO  - January 2013



The Left Hand Valley Courier is a newspaper from Niwot, Colorado.

In 2013, the Left Hand Valley Courier started doing articles about local authors.

It was very kind of them to do a story about my book!



Longmont Library Festival April 13, 2012





To celebrate National Library Week, the Longmont Public Library presented the

"You Belong: Longmont Library Festival 2012" to showcase local authors.


Events included author presentations, book talks, writing and art workshops

and book signings.


All sales of the "I Eat Poop" book were donated to the sponsors

"Friends of the Longmont Library"


Thank you for allowing me to attend!



Bead Lounge Book Signing Dec.10, 2011





Thank you to the Bead Lounge for hosting the book signing

and for donating $6.00 from each book sale to the Colorado Horse Rescue.

And thank you to everyone who came to the book signing to raise money for the horses.










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